osd lock
Lock-up Agreement
英文名称:Lock-up Agreement 中文名称:锁定协议承销商与公司股票投资者之间具有法律约束力的合约,规定在特定时期内,这些投资者不可出售任何该公司的股票。···
Lock-up Period
英文名称:Lock-up Period 中文名称:股份禁售期指禁止股东出售股票的时间段,适用以下3种情况:1.公司员工以优惠条件获得股票时,要求在一段时期内持股不得出售;2.战略投···
Lock-Up Option
A stock option offered by a target company to a white knight for additional equity or for the purchase of a valuable portion of their company. An undesired thi···
Lock In Profits
Realizing the gains of a position, such as buying a stock, by exiting at a profit. By locking in, that portion of the investment is no longer exposed to risks.···
Treasury Lock
A customized derivative security used by investors to lock in the yield or price of a treasury security. |||The lock acts like a separate security in addition···
house lock hypothesis
the house lock hypothesis is that unemployed homeowners who are underwater are unwilling or unable to relocate to areas with brighter job prospects. This could···